The end of the road...
Final Portfolio Essay
Reading the article lit a light bulb in my head. When creating my portfolio I want to have my drafts and the feedback on them on the same page as the final product. I want to do this because I believe that this will be the most efficient way to demonstrate my writing process. Since my writing process consists of taking the feedback into consideration and creating sloppy drafts.
An inspiration
"Readers of your portfolio-- even your instructor-- cannot see your entire writing process. if you've done most of your composing alone at the keyboard your readers have not watched you write..." (Preparing to Write, p.49)
The quote above is something that I found valuable from the article we read. It describes the whole point of writing a reflection, and I believe that this quote would help me be more mindful when writing my reflection because the quote is true. How can someone tell if I made any revisions or jotted anything down to help me write if they were not there.
Any questions?
I believe that the author of this article did an excellent job of getting their point across, so any of the questions I had about the reflective essay were answered while reading the article.