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The Great Scavenger Hunt!

Updated: Sep 5, 2019

Hello, welcome to the great UWRT Scavenger Hunt. Today I will make an attempt in finding ten items in the course syllabus. The first thing I want to bring to your attention is the due date of the e-portfolio, which is December 4. The second thing is that their is no final exam for this class. However, during exam week Professor Halaburda will be holding special office hours to receive our course grades. The third thing I want to mention is that we are allowed a maximum of five absences before our course grade is affected. The fourth thing is that Professor Halaburda will excuse absences during special circumstances. The fifth thing is that Professor Halburda does not accept digital submissions for assignments she requests a hard copy of. The sixth thing is that if we miss a peer workshop we should contact our peers in our group for the information discussed and if they would like to help us in our paper. The seventh thing is that our e-portfolio is worth 70% of our grade. The eighth thing is that you will fail the class if you miss one of the major assignments. The ninth thing is that an average grade on the e-portfolio is considered to be a C. The tenth and final thing is that the academic integrity policy can be picked up at the dean of students office or online. This concludes our scavenger hunt.

While looking at the twelve key concepts of the class, I saw two that I knew I needed to work on. The two concepts I struggle with are, critical reflection and critical reading. In high school when I had to do reading assignments, I would see myself not really paying attention to the reading and forgetting what I just read about. It was just really hard to focus on reading and gather information on what I read since I had no interest in it. Also, reflecting on my work would prove to be difficult for me because once I did something I rarely looked back it. I kinda just wrote stuff to be done with the assignment. Which never really gave me the opportunity to become a better writer, since I would never reflect on what I wrote and try to make it better. Which is hopefully something I can possibly get better at in this class.

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Suzanne Halaburda
Suzanne Halaburda
Sep 13, 2019

I think if you show up and do the work, you'll get better with critical reflection. We will practice a lot. As for critical reading, I think that's hard because there are many ways to go about it, depending on your goals as a readers in a situation. We will take a rhetorical approach to reading, which will provide you with another strategy.


Suzanne Halaburda
Suzanne Halaburda
Aug 30, 2019

I don't see your short answer question. Perhaps it didn't get published (sometimes only part of a post gets published and you have to re-publish your post and your whole site), or perhaps you just missed that part of the assignment? In any case, please get it up here.

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