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The Art of Peer Review

Hello, I would like to start off by mentioning one of my biggest concerns about peer reviewing which also coincided with what I feel is the most challenging part about peer reviewing. I feel that my inability to accurately review someone's paper because of my fear of saying something that may be inaccurate or make me feel inferior to the person I am reviewing. What I mean by this is that I always see myself reviewing someone else's writing and lacking the confidence to say something meaningful because I am too scared to sound less intelligent than my peer. Which I know might sound crazy, but it is something I have always dealt with when it comes to peer reviews. Like I always get really self conscious of what I am about to say, so I just end up repressing my thoughts and saying something meaningless and that would not help my peer out. However, one of my strengths would be that when I do feel confident enough to say something, it tends to be really honest. If my peer is writing a paper about something that I am very knowledgable about, I will feel confident enough to tell them if they are wrong about a certain topic and help correct them. Also, I will be honest and tell my peer that if their paper is not keeping me interested and that they should do something about that to add something to keep me reeled in, unless it is a research paper. At the moment I do not have any questions for Professor Halaburda or the class.

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